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Encouraging words to self

I struggle a bit with the term "mantra" - mostly because some self-help folks teach the creation of mantras in an unhelpful (and sometimes unintentionally harmful) way. I realize, however, the word mantra has many meanings to different people, and I love the heart of this challenge by Amy Porterfield (who, I should mention, doesn't seem to be supporting an unhelpful methodology around mantras from what I've seen.) Her personal mantras, "I can do hard things." and "I've already won." are excellent because they are encouraging, forward-moving, and based on her past personal truths. For mantras to be helpful, they need to be connected to some element of personal truth, otherwise, they can sometimes create inner discord. So here we go, my...let's say: "Encouraging words to self" as I step forward as course creator and make an online course / workshop to help people learn how to lower their anxiety. I have helped so many peopl
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Why More Mindful Moments?

Hi there, it's Keridwyn. Yes, this is another site of mine. You might know me from my casual Seattle entertainment blog, Or maybe you know me from my Hypnotherapy practice and Or maybe you friend or follow me on facebook at Regardless of how you found this blog, welcome to More Mindful Moments. Maybe I'll transfer this over to a fancier blog one day. Maybe not. What I do know is I was holding myself back from sharing some cool content as I perk up my Hypnotherapy site. And there's sometimes content that really doesn't belong on my hypno site or my seattlepockets blog. So, here you go. More Mindful Moments. Things on my mind I want to share.